Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's just a high pitched ringing in my right ear.

Yep it's not a big deal when it lasts for just a few hours, when goes on for days oh man it gets on my nerves. Wanting it to lower it's pitch just a bit. There seems nothing I do matters not even a bit. No longer am I counting the days or the hours,
now it's been going on for over 5 weeks. Enough is enough this has been going on far to long, I need answers and I need them now! Tinnitus is the name it's called by my Doctor, After checking the options I got from my Doctor, not one dam thing can be done about it! As I'm sure you all know it's just one more little thing that needs to be worked around. Making the adjustments needed will of course take time, in this I am not alone.  Everyone has things they must work around, it's just one more thing we all share. To work through all the crap M.S. puts in the way of living life the way we see fit. I haven't found any willing to quit or give up, the battle we fight is won from the inside by the heart and soul.  


Karen said...

Oh yes...had this...for months, then it went away as quickly as it came. Hoping yours does the same.

Steve said...

I've had this for years....just used to it now along with the accompanying hearing difficulties it brings.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

My aunt has this and she does not have MS... She takes a tiny relaxing drug to help her. It comes and goes with her also. MS is what we deal with so it is likely the cause for us.

Mary Mennenga said...

Karen, Here's to hope may it always spring eternal.
Steve, It's so distracting right now it's hard to concentrate, like you in time I'll get used to it I'm sure. It's the time between now and then that I find so frustrating! Knowing one way or another I'll get there helps. Thank you
Kim, Doctor told me about that pill won't work(darn it) The nerve is too badly scared little hope of getting the ringing to go away any longer. The good new is the scaring on the nerve's for my eye's hasn't changed.

Travelogue for the Universe said...

Hope it goes away real soon. Could ?noise canceling headphones or other type of background noise help to ease it? best wishes, mary

Unknown said...

Mary K. - Try taking Alpha Lipoic Acid. It's a supplement I buy in the health food store. I use it for nerve pain and I've heard it's good for the ringing in the ears, too. I just lose my hearing but haven't had a big problem with ringing. Alpha Lipoic Acid (check with your doctor or naturopath for dosage) is also used by diabetics for nerve pain. Hope you feel better soon! Regards, Karen

Mary Mennenga said...

Karen, Thank's for the tip I'll be asking when I see him at the end of this month:-)
It's not going away, however I'm now become a custom to it so it's as distracting.