Yep it's not a big deal when it lasts for just a few hours, when goes on for days oh man it gets on my nerves. Wanting it to lower it's pitch just a bit. There seems nothing I do matters not even a bit. No longer am I counting the days or the hours,
now it's been going on for over 5 weeks. Enough is enough this has been going on far to long, I need answers and I need them now! Tinnitus is the name it's called by my Doctor, After checking the options I got from my Doctor, not one dam thing can be done about it! As I'm sure you all know it's just one more little thing that needs to be worked around. Making the adjustments needed will of course take time, in this I am not alone. Everyone has things they must work around, it's just one more thing we all share. To work through all the crap M.S. puts in the way of living life the way we see fit. I haven't found any willing to quit or give up, the battle we fight is won from the inside by the heart and soul.