Tuesday, March 27, 2012

More pictures of Ben

Ben is getting over his fear and is becoming more at home here.

Got him a new bed was told "it's too small for him"
Try telling him that spends most of his time in it.

I think he feels safe in it!

Ben is gaining weight slowly which is good, getting stronger each day. Not ready for a long walk yet, many short ones is working well for now. If taken to far he just stops and lays down, only happen once, not willing to push him too far.  Ben has barked once, a friend came over for a visit, Ben was in his new bed  he bark as she  came in. Maybe he is beginning to feel this is his house and wanted her to know it, I sure hope so.


Karen said...

What a cutie! The smaller bed will make him feel safer.

Mary Mennenga said...

Your right he seems more calm! Thanks and have a great week.