Tuesday, January 3, 2012


2011 has come to an end indeed. I've gained more then I've lost in different ways. That's how I view it as a whole it was a okay year, learned many lessons that I really should have learned a long time ago, back when they first happened the first time so many years ago. Hind sight is always 20/20, yes I do say that a lot, as a reminder to me not to be so hard on myself, because I'm not the same person I was. If I were, wouldn't be calling them lesson's learned. Viewing the high's and the low's of the past year, I find the view better when I look at it from my heart. Change happens no need to worry about the date, it's the journey and the ever changing view no matter if from the high or the low, it's where my heart is focused that counts.


Heidi said...

That's quite beautiful! I'm glad you can have such a straight forward, but postive outlook :)

Travelogue for the Universe said...

Well said! Have a great 2012! mary

Mary Mennenga said...

That's sweet of you to say thank you Heidi.

Mary Mennenga said...

Mary, Thank you may you also have a wonderful 2012. mkm