Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Now it a year since I started this blog.

Looking back over the year of my posts, I haven't written on a wide range of topic's. My written reflections were the main reason I started this blog, for the most part I've gotten more good feedback than bad. Being added to M.S. bloggers and having some of my writings on The Carnival of M.S. Bloggers has been a highlight for me. Lisa thank you so much for finding me, I had tried to find other M.S. Bloggers for months with no luck at all on my own. 

Before last year the only thing I did on the Internet was to order supplies and take on line tests when I worked at Jiffy Lube. It been a good year, couldn't have done many of the things I did do this year without help. In one way or another many people have helped me in small and big ways. Summing up my first year with Internet and all it has to offer. What I've learned is mostly good, finding things I still need to learn, some stuff I don't think I'll ever understand but that's not going to stop me from trying to learn. Will I crash my computer again more than likely! Good thing is I now know how to restore it and use the repair disc. The one thing I can do for hours and hours is research, no matter the topic. To bad when I look for answers all I end up with are more questions. Isn't this suppose to be the information age, feels more like the disinformation age at times. Hey! maybe we could have the telling to truth age? Nope to many folks just want to win, and get nothing done. Hope is not lost I've just misplaced it, no need to worry I know it's around here some where, so for now I just take it on faith. Thanks to all who stopped by!    


Karen said...

Happy Blogiversary. I'm gald you found your way into the blogsphere!

Sherri said...

ditto what Karen says! it's been great reading your thoughts...

Mary Mennenga said...

Karen, Thanks I'm glad Lisa found me so I could find you! Have a great day! mkm

Sherri, Thank you! It been fun reading your as well. Looking forward to seeing, reading and writing this year. Have as much fun as you can. mkm

Travelogue for the Universe said...

Nice job Mary, I love your writing and comments on my blog haven. Best wishes on future posts! mary

Mary Mennenga said...

Mary, Right back at you! Love all your pictures! The one of that bridge from the ferry;-) mkm

Laurie said...

I know what you mean - it seems like I Google something and all of a sudden, it's five hours later and I skipped lunch!

Happy Bloggie Birthday!

Mary Mennenga said...

Pee Lister, So true for that google, seems to bring up another thing to google. Have a great weekend. mkm P.S. it's nice to know I'm not alone. Thanks

Lisa Emrich said...

Happy blogiversary!! You've created such wonderful posts during the past year. I look forward to reading more in the coming year.

Mary Mennenga said...

Lisa, If you hadn't found me, none of my posts would have been seen. I was lost in Inter-nut space, unknown to me was m.s.bloggers the Carnival of m.s. bloggers with the help and information I've learned from being added. Has meant a great deal to me, knowing that I was no longer alone, Thank you. The first is almost done, here's to the starts of my second year. mkm