Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The fall winds have been blowing

For weeks now my goodness! Still have many leafs that need to fall,  winter isn't far away now. Stocked up on bird food, still need to do more winterizing. So far I've heard 1) It's going be a repeat of last year 2) Colder without as much snow 3) More snow and less cold. What I do know is it's coming no matter what it brings, it will be dealt with as always with a bit of moaning and groaning of course! It can't be controlled too many things to factor in.

My herbs didn't make into the house so I'll be starting them from seed, most were to big to come in the house anyway. In May hopefully I'll be able to put them outside. Planning the garden will help me get through the winter I'll wait until February to make a firm plan, in March I'll start getting my seeds, all my starter pots are cleaned up and ready just waiting. Got some bulb's to put in next spring. The outside of the house is just about done, just need to get the last bit of raking done.

Love this time of year bright sun shine without the heat and dew points in the mid 30's high today 50 feels almost heavenly to me, no overheating did get a little warm just stopped in the shade cooled me off right away. All tucker out came into the house for a rest, sat and watched the birds and squirrels at the feeder they are very entertaining as they gather all they can and hide it away. The birds that stay here are getting a bit rounder. Less of the ones that are flying south but they are easy to spot, so thin and lean little flying machines. A group of them comes in and the bird feeders empty in not even an hour. They stay for a day or two at the most and off they go again won't see them again until spring, when they'll do the same thing. Could sit and watch them all day. If only I could find a way to get the leafs to fly into the bags, yes that is a bit of a stretch! Now begins the season of trying to keeping the heat in!  


Karen said...

Fall is the best time of year! My neighbour has a leaf blower, what a great invention...we unfortunately have a rake!

Mary Mennenga said...

Karen, I've heard many a leaf blower, living in the city. Call old fashion or just cheap, I still prefer the sound of a rake. mkm

Herrad said...

hi mary,
just came by to say hello after i just got your comment.

Mary Mennenga said...

Hey Herrad, Thanks! mkm

Have Myelin? said...

I saw a news clip about the leaf blower "problem" that had homeowners up in arms due to the high decibel noise it makes. I prefer the "sound" of a rake and I'm deaf and the leafblowers are too loud for me.

Mary Mennenga said...

Have Myelin, I think they all call each other and come out at the same time. LOL

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I cannot say that I like the Fall...but glad that you do!

Mary Mennenga said...

Kim @ Stuff, Thank you for not bashing me about liking fall.mkm