Friday, February 28, 2014

Temperature on February 27 is -14 degrees feels like -26

Winter is hanging on here in Minnesota. With a snow pack in places of up to 4+ feet, it's not hard to understand, clear skies at night means there is nothing to holding the heat in. Last week it rained then it snowed, the roads are still iced over too cold for it to melt, even with all the Sunshine we get as the Sun makes the journey north. According to the forecast we are enjoying another Polar Vortex until next week Wednesday the high may make it to 20 degrees. The long term forecast has us below average until mid-March. Knowing the North pole is warmer, than we are isn't helping one bit!  
This was February 8  
February 22

Much of the snow we get in December, will still be here in March the April showers also come in the form of snow! May flowers . Rain on the other hand once the Sun goes down any water becomes Ice add in a polar vortex or two. There are many four letter words used at this time of year, replace the every day 4 letter words used all year long. A short list; Snow, Plow, Rain, Road, Roof, Rake, Cold, Wind, Sand last one Salt...! The amount of emotion behind these words no other 4 letter words are needed!

January 19 2014 

February 22 2014

There is an upside to all of this bone chilling cold.
The sky during the day is a bold shade of blue. 
Sunrise and sets are wonderful in soft pastel colors.
The night sky is my favorite.
The moonrise when it's full is so big and bright, casting shadows on the ground. 
Best of all is seeing so many stars even spotted the Milky Way a few times.
Reminding me of home living in Wisconsin.
When the sky was clear I would watch it for hours.

When a path starts looking more like a tunnel.
February 22 2014

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